
World Heart Day

World Heart Day 2016 is on Thursday 29 September. Its purpose is to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease – a significant cause of premature deaths claiming a very large 17.5 million lives annually. With the objective of reducing both illness and death due to heart disease, World Heart Day aims to create awareness of the dangers and stimulate action to healthier lifestyles. Risks include smoking, eating the wrong types of food and not exercising. Healthier lifestyles naturally include more regulated diets and regular exercise for the long term. It’s not hard to take of your heart – take the initiative for a stronger healthier future and you’ll flourish in the benefits. As a result of World Heart Day, in order to encourage screening and direction towards a healthy tomorrow, International Radiology Centre is offering a promotional screening programme from 29 September and throughout October. Please contact us on or 600 588887 for more information. To understand more on World Heart Day, what it takes to stay healthy and to take the heart IQ test, have a look at the following website –

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